ExperiMental Leggings – New Pierre Mantoux Fashion
Getting away from old patterns isn’t hard, making something new is. But that’s what fashion is all about, making something truly new and exciting and the only way to do that is experiment.
Pierre Mantoux are brilliant designers and when it comes to fashion leggings, their speciality lies in breaking new ground.
Chevron is experimental in the extreme. It’s pattern is completely abstract, the palette is an insane mixture of the entire colour spectrum and it all works perfectly.
Chevron, and fashion leggings like it, should be viewed as a whole. Look too closely and you’ll get lost. Stand back and you’ll see a tapestry of the most wonderful imagery. Pierre Mantoux’s new fashion leggings are astounding, entrancing and quite frankly mental. These leggings will breathe life and soul into any outfit, so get your pair now and start experimenting.

"Emjoi" Your Legs
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