The Gift of Chic!
The excitement! The red and gold paper, that ribbon that was ridiculously hard to get past, the excess of sticky tape. I swear my parents were trying to keep me out of the Christmas presents.
When you’re a kid, there’s nothing quite like getting presents.
I still like getting them, but when you get older, you like giving them more, too.
That’s why I tend to spoil my little sister. She’s over the moon at getting a little surprise, and I feel great about buying it for her. But when you buy for a girl, it can be a bit tricky. Personally, I can never remember what Barbies she already has, which Disney Princess is her favourite and I can’t navigate around cosmetics for toffee. But one thing that never fails is clothes.
With my website specialising in tights, you might think that we’ve always had an extensive children’s section, but really, almost all of our children’s tights have been plain, coloured opaques.
Leg Avenue, one of our most creative designers, has helped us with this problem, by releasing their very own children’s range, LA Kids.
So, after seeing their designs, and realising that our gifts section wasn’t quite as massive as we’d like it to be, the powers-that-be have given the thumbs-up to expand our children’s range. That way, generous parents, siblings and other relatives can heap gifts on their little monsters, Willy Nilly.
The Californian designer was spot on when they chose the name for their new range. LA is the place of creativity and imagination, and these tights are just this. Few children’s designers go to the effort to release the kind of patterns that youngster’s might like. Where’s the stripes? The spots? The little frilly trims?! LA Kids is going to make all this a thing of the past!
Of course, they have released a coloured opaque, but their designs are what makes them stand out from the rest. The LA Kids Girl’s Opaque Tights are a great item for schools, and the coloured pairs are best for birthday parties.
These tights also come in footless, so if the parties are summer ones, your little tikes can wear flip-flops and still stay chic!
The patterned designs I mentioned is the best of LA Kids and no little girl’s little wardrobe would be complete without… stripy tights! LA Kids Girl’s Stripe Tights are the best in the range, and not only do they come in black and colours like most stripy tights, but white and colours. So you can keep the look light and summery, and still have a pair of black and red ready for Halloween.
As I have already said, we have frilly items still to come. LA Kids Sailor Socks are stripy and frilly. Yes, I know, exciting, isn’t it?! These socks also have delightful little anchors above the ankles. I dare you not to go “Ahhh!”
LA Kids Polka Dot Socks are a true little girl’s design. Black with pink spots, you can’t go wrong with this kind of cute look.
I think that the last design on our list will probably be our most popular. LA Kids Stretch Lace Footless are Ab Fab! These are an absolute outfit-finisher and out of everything we chose, this was the design I was most glad to see finally go on our website.
This is all we have available from LA Kids at the moment, but rest assured, her majesty shan’t be without fashionable socks for long. LA Kids is a fantastic brand, and so long as they are releasing these kind of cute little items, we’ll have them available for you.

Kiss Me Deadly

No Rest for the Awesome
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