It Was A Graveyard Smash!
We bet you were wondering where we were going with the last two post titles, weren’t you?
Well, here we are. Halloween is exactly three weeks away. This might sound like enough time to get your outfit ready and then some, but if you’re planning on dressing your legs, you might find only a handful of our designs lefts by the time we reach the 20’s.
So between now and then, we’ve got some quality propaganda to pump into the inter-waves (that’s the thing that Internet travels on, like airwaves for radio. True story).
Here’s another superb Halloween tights design that will help you inject some serious originality and verve into your apparel this All Hallows Eve!

There’s no great secret to these tights’ success, you know. It’s the same anywhere you go. Do great stuff, people will notice. “Play, and they will come.”
Silky has created something simple from the classic black fishnets, and they’ve made it for one purpose, and they’ve done it better than anyone else. Seems like a recipe for success, if you ask us!
These Halloween tights are fun, they’re different and they look great with a variety of outfits. If you’re looking for originality this Halloween, and that’s our mantra this year, Silky Scarlet Spider Fishnet Tights are a good place to start.

He Did the Monster Mash!

New Brand: Sarah Borghi
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