• gerbe hosiery for men

    Tights Gentlemen, Please!

    I was checking my email the other day, and I noticed a message from the UK Tights blog. One of my subscribers had sent a request for a post. He asked me if I could do a…

  • GELSEY Tights

    Trasparenze is Back… Again!

    I must extend my apologies, it seems I’ve missed out some important information on one of my last posts. A few days ago, I wrote about Trasparenze and their new Winter fashion tights. Well, it seems even that…

  • Tights levante side banner

    13 Reasons not to Wrap Up This Winter

    As Winter fast approaches, be prepared for one of my occasional mega-post on new Winter ranges. If you’ve read my post on Trasparenze recently, you’ll know what I’m talking about! So, for my second Winter post, we…

  • UK Tights logo original size

    Pixie Dust

    I’m going to try something different with this post, something I’ve never done before. I’m going to write a proper product review. Most new product articles are all about the latest portfolios, and those are great for introducing…

  • Tips

    Join The Club

    Recently, our Technical Department put together a delightful little gadget, a button, that sends you to the UK Tights YouTube channel. Now, we have to say that this new add-on really impressed us all, and hopefully, it will…

  • Tips

    Monkey Business

    It’s been a problem that’s plagued women since the invention of the heel. Men can’t understand it, women can’t avoid it, and it will never stop. I’m talking about that most terrible curse… achy feet! Well… men…

  • Fashion

    A Bustle in your Hedgerow

    I was watching TV the other day, and I noticed something quite interesting on Gardener’s World. I noticed that when I’m in my garden, or doing any work around the house, I throw on something scruffy, but the…

  • Fashion

    Trasparenze is Back

    Some days ago, I posted on how you might have to invest in some super warm tights, because the new Winter fashion tights were ages away from arriving… I was wrong. The day after I posted on these fashion…

  • Chopin Tights

    Summer: Time for a Change

    Summer is not what it used to be. It seems that Summer is getting shorter every year, and if you live in Britain, you’ll have opened the curtains this morning and realised that it’s time for duffel…