Ballerina Soft Touch Athena Hold Ups

Ballerina Soft Touch Athena Hold Ups

X Large
XX Large
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* 20 denier
* Diamond backseam
* Sheer leg
* Luxury packaging
* Lace top
* 82% Polyamide
* 18% Elastane
Athena, Goddess of wisdom and civilisation, is a fine name for the feminine beauty and refinement in these hold ups. The simple and elegant backseam, split at the top into a dotted motif, is hypnotic but simple and full of character. It is the very essence of less is more, a design that uses its motifs and patterns to maximum effect, but never loses any of the impact that a more ornate design has. These hold ups are available only in larger sizes, making the perfect fashion item for fuller figure ladies to enjoy.

Size Chart
SizeHeightHeight (Cm)Weight (Kg)Thigh Circumference (Cm)
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