Long Hold Ups

Gerbe Voile 15 Denier Hold Ups
Gerbe Voile 15 Denier Hold UpsBlack

Verified Reviews:

Trasparenze Vlinder Hold Ups
Trasparenze Vlinder Hold UpsNero-Oro-Var-B

Cervin Divine Hold Ups
Cervin Divine Hold UpsBlack

Verified Reviews:

Cette Helsinki 60 Denier Opaque Hold Ups
Cette Helsinki 60 Denier Opaque Hold UpsBlack

Verified Reviews:

Sarah Borghi Viola 15 Hold Ups
Sarah Borghi Viola 15 Hold UpsNero Nudo Bianco

Verified Reviews:

Le Bourget Perfect Chic 20 Denier Hold Ups
Le Bourget Perfect Chic 20 Denier Hold UpsBronze

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Silky 60 Hold Ups
Glamory Silky 60 Hold UpsBlack

Giulia Emotion 20 Hold Ups
Giulia Emotion 20 Hold UpsNero Cappucino Giulia-Honey Giulia-Daino Bianco

Verified Reviews:

Giulia Emotion 40 Hold Ups
Giulia Emotion 40 Hold UpsNero Cappucino Giulia-Daino

Verified Reviews:

Giulia Passion 20 Hold Ups
Giulia Passion 20 Hold UpsNero

Verified Reviews:

Fogal All Nude 10 Denier Hold Ups
Fogal All Nude 10 Denier Hold UpsBlack Capri Plage Blossom Poudre Skin Cream

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Vital 70 Support Hold Ups
Glamory Vital 70 Support Hold UpsBlack Make-Up

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Vital 40 Support Hold Ups
Glamory Vital 40 Support Hold UpsBlack Make-Up Teint

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Allure 20 Hold Ups
Glamory Allure 20 Hold UpsBlack Black-Top-Make-Up Make-Up White-Top-Make-Up White

Verified Reviews:

Fogal Velour Opaque 50 Denier Hold Ups
Fogal Velour Opaque 50 Denier Hold UpsNoir

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Mesh Hold Ups
Glamory Mesh Hold UpsBlack Make-up

Verified Reviews:

Wolford Satin Touch 20 Hold Ups
Wolford Satin Touch 20 Hold UpsNearly-Black White

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Micro 60 Denier Hold Ups
Glamory Micro 60 Denier Hold UpsSchwarz Make-Up

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Comfort 20 Denier Hold Ups
Glamory Comfort 20 Denier Hold UpsSchwarz Red Make-Up Champagne White

Verified Reviews:

Glamory Deluxe 20 Denier Hold Ups
Glamory Deluxe 20 Denier Hold UpsSchwarz Schwarz-Red Make-up Champagne

Verified Reviews:

Bahner 140 Denier Extra Firm Support Hold Ups
Bahner 140 Denier Extra Firm Support Hold UpsSchwarz Make-Up Ballade

Verified Reviews:

Bahner 70 Denier Firm Support Hold Ups
Bahner 70 Denier Firm Support Hold UpsSchwarz Mocca Sinfonie Make-Up Ballade

Verified Reviews:

Bahner 40 Denier Medium Support Hold Ups
Bahner 40 Denier Medium Support Hold UpsSchwarz Make-Up Ballade

Verified Reviews:

Cecilia de Rafael Zafiro Fashion Hold Ups
Cecilia de Rafael Zafiro Fashion Hold UpsMarron Rosso

Verified Reviews:

Falke Shelina 12 Hold Ups
Falke Shelina 12 Hold UpsBlack Powder Brasil Golden

Verified Reviews:

Levante Sheer Fantasy Hold Ups
Levante Sheer Fantasy Hold UpsLondra

Verified Reviews:

Falke Lunelle 8 Denier Contrast Top Hold Ups
Falke Lunelle 8 Denier Contrast Top Hold UpsBlack Powder Powder-Champagne

Verified Reviews:

Falke Lunelle 8 Denier Hold Ups
Falke Lunelle 8 Denier Hold UpsBlack-Blue-Top

Verified Reviews:

Charnos Elegance Smooth Top Hold Ups
Charnos Elegance Smooth Top Hold UpsBlack Natural-Tan

Verified Reviews:

Le Bourget Jarretiere Dentelle Hold Ups
Le Bourget Jarretiere Dentelle Hold UpsPanama

Verified Reviews:

Levante Suede Matte 50 Hold Ups
Levante Suede Matte 50 Hold UpsNero

Verified Reviews:

Long hold ups are one of the more rare and tricky to get hold of items in the legwear world, yet it is a desirable one for sure. Being a touch taller than most women will make you the of the fashion world. A tall model is always considered first and requested for a shoot more often than any other size or shape of person. And of course, it is even better if your height is all in your legs. Long legs are one of the most seductive parts of the female body, and if you are lucky enough to have them, you'll need some long hold ups too. So to make it even easier for those who have to find long hold ups, a rarer item, we've put together a new collection of the very best and most beautiful long hold ups for. We have scouted out brands that specifically make items like this, and we have asked our agents at these brands if they would find a range within their existing collection that also provides all the gorgeous designs they normally offer with the sizing options aswell. All these items have been designed to fit even the tallest women and look beautiful on your legs. Taking advantage of this naturally gorgeous feature of your body, their decorative lace tops and beautiful patterns make your legs even more eye catching and attractive. Long hold ups are the perfect way to add style to your legs.

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