Jonathan Aston Snakeskin Tights

B - Medium
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* Snakeskin pattern
* 93% Polyamide
* 6% Elastane
* 1% Cottom
Snakeskin really is a pattern that will never go out of popularity, and these gorgeous fashion tights from Jonathan Aston prove that. These are not your conventional snake skin however, with a more muted pattern that makes them less jazzy than your average animal print, and more versatile and laid back in appearance.

Size Chart
SizeHeight (Feet)Weight (lbs)Hips (Inches)
Small A4'10"-5'6"90 - 13030" - 40"
Medium B5'0"-5'9"140 - 17038" - 44"
Large C5'4"-6'0"170 - 20042" - 48"
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